Dienstag, 23. Januar 2007

Hi friends,
I've got a really bad cold at the moment, so I'm not writing very much. But I just have to show you the pics of the Tsukiji-fishmarket, which is the biggest fish market worldwide. They handle 2000 tons of seafood EVERY DAY. This is 11 times the volume of New York City's Fulton Fish Market, which is the largest seafood market in North America.

If you think, this is the whole market, you are wrong. This is just a fragment of the whole market. There are different areas for all kinds of seafood and purposes.

Here's a tuna from Sri Lanka. Very fresh. For one piece of tuna, you are paying around 15.000 Euro. Quite expensive, isn't it?

This is the auction for the fresh tuna. Since they have their own technical jargon, even my boss and Miura-san couldn't understand them. They spoke really fast. It sounded like a complete different language. Here's a very funny video from one of the auctions:

Here we have schock-frozen (ca. -40C°) tuna from the Mediterranean Sea. The price for this tuna is even higher than for the other tuna.

This is actually a picture of the new movie "SAW III: The horror continues at the Tsukiji-fish market..."

Here we have a nice pic of the Tsukiji-fish market from above. The warehouses seem to continue endlessly.

Just some nice pictures of the Tokyo-Landscape.

Afterwards, we ate breakfast at a Sushi-Restaurant near the fish market. It was quite expensive (my boss invited us), but it was the best sushi I ever ate. I've now experienced, that the taste of sushi can be totally different according to the sushi-chef and the sushi-ingredients. If you go to a bad sushi-restaurant, the sushi might only taste like wasabi to cover up the freshness of the fish. But if you go to a really good sushi-restaurant, it could make you cry about how tasty it is.

So today, I've experienced a lot about the fish market and sushi. But since I've got a really bad cold and had to wake up very early (4 o'clock a.m.), I'm dead beat by now.

皆へ、 please take care of yourselves,


1 Kommentar:

Kaddi hat gesagt…

hi maze,

bin vor einigen tagen aus sydney wieder nach HH ins OGX team zurückgekehrt und hab im AIESEC büro erfahren, dass du tatsächlich ein praktikum in japan gefunden hast - glückwunsch!

wünsch dir ne tolle zeit dort drüben...

LG, kaddi